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Grow the pie : how great companies deliver both purpose and profit / Alex Edmans
VerfasserEdmans, Alex In der Gemeinsamen Normdatei der DNB nachschlagen In Wikipedia suchen nach Alex Edmans
ErschienenCambridge, United Kingdom : Cambridge University Press, 2020
Umfangx, 371 Seiten : Illustrationen, Diagramme
SchlagwörterStrategisches Management In Wikipedia suchen nach Strategisches Management / Corporate Social Responsibility In Wikipedia suchen nach Corporate Social Responsibility / USA In Wikipedia suchen nach USA / Social responsibility of business / United States In Wikipedia suchen nach Social responsibility of business / United States / Corporations / United States In Wikipedia suchen nach Corporations / United States / Wealth / United States In Wikipedia suchen nach Wealth / United States / Income distribution / United States In Wikipedia suchen nach Income distribution / United States / USA In Wikipedia suchen nach USA / Einkommensverteilung In Wikipedia suchen nach Einkommensverteilung
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"The consensus among politicians, citizens, and even executives themselves - on both sides of the political spectrum and throughout the world - is that business just isn't working for ordinary people. The 2007 financial crisis cost 9 million Americans their jobs and 10 million their homes.1 Even though the economy has recovered since then, the gains have largely gone to bosses and shareholders, while ordinary incomes have stagnated. In 2018, just 26 tycoons owned the same wealth as the 3.8 billion poorest citizens in the world.2 Corporations impact not only people's livelihoods, but also their lives. In a single year, 14 Chinese workers were allegedly driven to suicide by unbearably harsh working practices at the Foxconn City industrial park, where they made electronics for giant US corporations. "--